Josephburg Choral Society – Saturday, May 7th

The Beaverhill Players is proud to present the Josephburg Choral Society with the Belles in Harmony Handbell Chorus live at the Paragon Theatre in Holden on Saturday, May 7th.


This group performs a blend of spiritual and secular music in a variety of venues and has performed across North America.  They were founded in 1979 and joined by the Belles in Harmony with a set of donated handbells in 1985.

Over the years and many travels the Josephburg Choral Society has encountered several situations which might have disheartened the less dauntless, such as the time the Grey Goose charter bus broke down in the middle of a prairie blizzard. A few phone-calls later and they had an impromptu gig to a full house audience, a pot-luck supper to beat all and warm billets for the night; thus giving special meaning to one of their earlier songs, “The Old Grey Goose Is Dead”!

From their biography: “Other special moments include performing at a school for under-privileged children near Phoenix. Imagine our surprise when we saw that they had decorated their stage with enormous hand-painted Canada and Alberta flags and a map showing our entire tour route from Josephburg. We felt very privileged indeed!

And how about the time in Wolseley, Saskatchewan when upon arriving we were told that they didn’t have our reservations at the local hotel. Fortunately, one our more astute members recognized that four rooms reserved for Joseph Berg might be for us.”

Regarding their style of music, in their own words, “In a word it is eclectic. The Men and Bells perform whatever takes their fancy; we believe that variety is the spice of life and our repertoire covers the whole spectrum. We know we have succeeded when the audience stomps and claps along to “The Last Saskatchewan Pirate”, or a prison inmate sheds a tear as we sing the Christmas carol, “Mary Did You Know”.

We cover the range from religious to secular, classical to contemporary, folk to doo-wop and have fun doing it.”

Come and enjoy the evening with this experienced and popular group!


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